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Saitama Vs Mori Jin


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Screenshot 2022-08-18 at 21-40-41 Mori Dan.pngScreenshot 2022-08-18 at 21-41-07 Saitama.png
  • Post-Training, Parallel Timeline Saitama.
  • The God of Highschool Mori Jin.
  • Saitama starts off serious.
  • Speed is equalized.
  • The battle takes place on Saturn's moon, Titan.
25 Jun 2022
Jin Mori apagó el sol de una patada durante un momento nomas pero aun asi por mas q sepamos q el calvo es invencible puede que pierda por bfr perdido en el espacio....


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Características físicas sobrehumanas, Manipulación espacial limitada, Artes marciales (Dobló el espacio con una patada.

Alcanzó la cúspide de sus técnicas haciendo que todas sus artes marciales pasaran de ser una habilidad a un concepto), Sentidos mejorados, Longevidad, Dominio de las armas (Es hábil en el manejo del Yeoui, que puede utilizar tanto como bastón como espada), Análisis de la información (Mori puede discernir las habilidades de una persona simplemente mirándola.

También puede identificar correctamente los daños causados a los órganos internos con sólo mirar a una persona) Acrobacia, Manipulación del viento, Regeneración (Media-Baja), Autosuficiencia (Tipo 1), Manipulación de la densidad y del tamaño (Puede aumentar y disminuir el peso y el tamaño del Yeoui), Manipulación del hielo, Artes Marciales (Es hábil en una variedad de técnicas marciales), Reflejo de Ataque (Con Reflejo de Onda), Nivel de Poder Reactivo (Aumenta su propia fuerza exponencialmente en el curso de una pelea), Transformación en su Forma Mori Jin, Reacción Instintiva (Su cuerpo es capaz de contrarrestar ataques que él mismo considera imposibles de esquivar. Concentrándose únicamente en no desperdiciar ningún movimiento, Mori es capaz de formar una barrera a su alrededor tan amplia como su alcance.

Cualquier cosa que cruce esta barrera en cualquier ángulo es instantáneamente golpeada por Mori), Mimetismo de Poder (Puede usar las técnicas de otros simplemente viéndolas usar), Control del Cuerpo (Escalado de Mori Hui, quien podía apretar todos los músculos de su cuerpo a la vez), Adaptación (Escalado de Mori Hui, que podía superar rápidamente el veneno de la Hidra aunque inicialmente le hiciera efecto), Fuerza de Voluntad Sobrenatural (Puede levantar y balancear a Yeoui), Predicción Analítica (Puede predecir con exactitud los movimientos de su oponente a través del contacto corporal), Negación de la Durabilidad (A través de múltiples técnicas diferentes), Percepción Extrasensorial, Interacción No Física (Puede luchar contra los Prestatarios de Poder), Manipulación del Miedo (Puede infundir una sensación de miedo y temor con su presencia contra seres más débiles que él), Resistencia a la Manipulación Mental (No le afectó en absoluto el poder de Nigromante de Jwawoo, que transforma a los mordidos -incluso si la mordedura no rompe la piel- en "zombis", controlando sus mentes), Manipulación del Sueño, Manipulación del Veneno (Escala de su yo pasado), Manipulación Empática, Manipulación de la Temperatura y Manipulación de la Radiación (Podía permanecer en la superficie del Sol.

Posteriormente, puede soportar estar cerca de un agujero negro), Mimetismo de Poderes (Recoilless es un concepto de arte marcial que ni siquiera Dean Ockham fue capaz de copiar. El Ryu de la Aguja Nah de Bongchim no puede ser utilizado por nadie que carezca de divinidad, e incluso un humano como el propio Bongchim necesitó consumir una bolita divina para poder dominarlo)

Igual que antes, Artes Marciales, Transformación y Amplificación de Estadísticas (Los trajes de armadura pueden transformarse en diferentes formas que aumentan la velocidad y la fuerza), Reducción de Daños (Los trajes de armadura reducen el daño total que recibe Mori), Invocación (Puede invocar a Avidyā y Geundoowun), Manipulación Menor del Agua (Geundoowun es una nube sensible), Vuelo espacial, Manipulación de la Electricidad (Con Geundoowun y posteriormente con el 32º Dragón del Trueno), Resistencia a la Deconstrucción y a la Manipulación del Alma (Resistió el Sutra del Diamante de Mijun, que podía reducir a los humanos a meros vapores de alma), Inducción de Parálisis (Podía moverse incluso después de que Mujin le ordenara no hacerlo).

Manipulación elemental (Con varios Yeoui, Mori puede crear huracanes, lanzar fuego, crear hielo e incluso manipular sombras), Inducción de parálisis (A través de la 180ª Sombra Lunar que puede paralizar a un oponente a través de su sombra), Danmaku (Hace llover numerosas copias de Yeoui sobre Rabbit), Telequinesis menor (Puede mover todos sus Yeouis de un lado a otro a través del pensamiento), Resistencia a la manipulación del ácido (Puede permanecer en el estómago de Junior durante días sin ser digerido).

Igual que antes, Artes Marciales (Alcanzó un nuevo nivel de trascendencia en las artes marciales convirtiéndose en un Dios Marcial), Amplificación de Estadísticas, Acupuntura y Puntos de Presión, Curación y Negación de Curación hasta Medio-Bajo, Manipulación del Dolor, Manipulación Biológica, Inducción de Parálisis, Manipulación de la Sangre, Manipulación de la Muerte (Recuperó el uso de Bongchim Nah Needle Ryu), Duplicación (Puede crear cientos de clones con su pelo), Creación (Puede crear copias de Yeoui y de los Trajes de Armadura).

Igual que antes, creación de portales e invocación (puede invocar versiones de sí mismo en universos alternativos para que le ayuden en la batalla), creación (creó una nueva máscara de dormir para Ahan)

With Summons:
Igual que antes, Magia, Detención del Tiempo y Manipulación de Vibraciones (Un Mori puede usar la magia para detener el tiempo y causar vibraciones que destrozan a los enemigos), Creación de Portales y BFR (Un Mori puede crear portales y enviar a sus oponentes a otra dimensión), Manipulación del Fuego, Absorción (Un Mori puede absorber a sus oponentes), Análisis de Información (Un Mori puede detectar individuos clave entre millones de enemigos), Creación de Campos de Fuerza, Creación de Agujeros Negros (Al golpear con un Geundoowun del tamaño de una nube de Oort, Mori es capaz de crear una explosión lo suficientemente grande como para convertirse en un agujero negro)

[UWSL][UWSL]The best version is "The God of High School" which in Base is Solar System level.[/UWSL][/UWSL]. Its weakest version, which is "Pre-Training", is Small Star at the very least.

Before Training​

  • Yeoui: El famoso bastón mágico, puede extenderse y engrosarse a la orden de Mori, volviéndose lo suficientemente ancho como para aplastar montañas y desplazar grandes extensiones de agua y lo suficientemente largo como para atravesar la luna desde la Tierra y más allá. El propio bastón es extremadamente resistente, lo que lo hace útil tanto para la defensa como para el ataque. A pesar de ser un arma contundente, Mori la utiliza a menudo para realizar ataques cortantes, ya que su peso compensa su falta de filo.

After Training​

  • Armoursuits: La legendaria cota de malla invencible de Sun Wukong. Su uso aumenta aún más su ya impresionante durabilidad, fuerza y velocidad. Las únicas tres veces que se ha roto son cuando el Primer Príncipe Heredero utilizó la Espada del Rayo para atravesar todo el Reino de los Sabios, cuando Okwhang lo apuñaló y cuando él mismo la rompió al luchar contra el Decano Ockham. Puede ser controlada telepáticamente por él, lo que le permite otorgarla a otros temporalmente. También puede crear cohetes propulsores para aumentar aún más su velocidad. Si esto no es suficiente, la armadura puede entrar en un Modo de Velocidad para aumentar su velocidad hasta el punto de cruzar enormes distancias interestelares en un instante. Cuando no se utiliza como armadura, se convierte en una masa de púas afiladas que atraviesan fácilmente los edificios y también puede replicar algunos de los efectos del Geundoowun.

  • Avidyā: También conocido como El Séptimo Maestro/Maestro del Séptimo Reino Celestial. Una criatura amorfa al servicio de Mori Jin. Suele adoptar la forma de una pequeña bola púrpura, pero puede expandirse en formas mucho más grandes y complejas llenas de pinchos capaces de dañar al propio Mori. El Séptimo Maestro es muy resistente al daño por corte y simplemente se duplica si se corta. También es altamente conductor, ya que Mori es capaz de canalizar los rayos de Geundoowun a través de él para mejorar su capacidad ofensiva.

  • Geundoowun: También se le conoce como la Nube Gorrión Voladora, una nube viviente que Mori puede invocar en cualquier lugar, incluso en el espacio, aunque es mucho más fácil si ya hay nubes en el cielo o si hay una gran masa de agua cerca. A través de ella es capaz de controlar el clima, creando vientos lo suficientemente poderosos como para impedir que las Ballenas del Cielo aterricen (cada una de ellas con una carga suficiente para destruir un continente como mínimo) y convocar tantos rayos como desee para derribar a sus oponentes hasta que la nube sea disipada por un oponente poderoso o por el propio Mori. También es capaz de generar una niebla completamente opaca para confundir a los enemigos y escapar de ellos. Esta niebla también puede solidificarse y utilizarse como escudo, como la vez que la nube bloqueó el Martillo Hyunmoo en su totalidad. También puede crear una versión pequeña (muy parecida a la Nimbus de Goku) que le permite cruzar distancias interestelares más rápidamente. Mori también puede utilizar el Geundoowun para ampliar sus sentidos y buscar personas a grandes distancias y en otras habitaciones.



Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021

Renewal Taekwondo​

  • Arang: A technique where the user elbows the opponent.
  • Ax: The user performs a front flip, bringing the heel of their kicking leg down upon an opponent. Upon the user's heel hitting the ground, a huge upward wave of air is generated, lifting any opponents up into the air and leaving them open to further attacks. This technique can be used against multiple opponents.
  • Back Kick: A technique delivered by spinning and kicking the opponent's head in a wide arc.
  • Backspin High Kick: A technique that is performed when the user turns their back on their opponent. The user, while their back is facing the opponent, turns while kicking the opponent in the head.
  • Baekdu: A straight knee kick towards the opponent's mid section.
  • Baeknok: A type of push kick, it is an upward kick which uses the bottom of the foot as a striking surface. Unlike a typical push kick however, Baeknok brings the legs up high and straight, pushing the target into the air.
  • Bo-Bup (Way of Walking): A technique that allows for high-speed movement in any direction, allowing the user to seemingly teleport and attack from above, below, the side, or even behind with ease.
  • Canine: A dual elbow strike downwards. Used to strike opponents down with their back facing upwards.
  • Cheonji: A forwards kick using the side of the user's foot with the sole facing downward.
  • Ddanggeutgi: A kick that grinds the floor with the user's foot tip while spinning. Mainly used for attacking low targets like an opponent's knees. However, Mori can also use this technique to disrupt air waves.
  • Dongbaek: An upwards striking back kick that starts from below the opponent then arcs above and behind the user.
  • Fist Strike: The Renewal Taekwondo version of a Basic Punch and can be used in rapid succession.
  • Front Kick: The basis of Taekwondo, this kick is a straight kick upwards with a straightened leg. By utilizing balance and accelerating force, the user can achieve maximum velocity out of their kick with devastating effects.
  • Goryeo: A technique that utilises two horizontal kicks performed in quick succession towards the head or neck of an opponent using the base of the foot.
  • Geumgang: A diagonal front-facing arm chop.
  • Halla: An unknown upwards kick, similar to the Baeknok. It was only used once against Ilpyo, who nullified it.
  • Homi-Geolyi:Used to grab an opponent in a lock position. The fighters faints a reverse kick with one leg and uses that leg to hold the arm of the opponent. It is mainly used to break an enemy's guard. It can be used with a variety of combinations with other skills including Spinning Top Kick and 3rd Stance Hoechook. A variation of this technique is by using the opponent's arm as leverage to deliver a kick to the opponent's head with the other leg.
    • Catching Dragon: This technique is a variation of the Hoechook technique using a "Hoe Hook" application. Instead of extending his Hoechook upwards, Mori bends down to secure a lower point on his opponent. From there, he reaches up to wrap a leg around an opponent's neck before bouncing up into the air spinning the victim around wildly. Once they are high enough he drops the adversary head first into the ground. It was powerful enough to create a small crater in the ring.
  • Hwarang: An unknown diagonal kick, similar to a Front Kick.
  • Hoechook:The bread and butter of Renewal Taekwondo. It is a kick that has gathered force through rapidly spinning on a central point. Its effects vary depending on how much power is put into the kick. More basic variations of this technique could crack stone, while stronger variations could vaporise whole mountains.
    • Three Stage Hoechook: A Hoechook executed three times in a row either from left or right, followed by a kick in the opposite direction, then from behind. If the victim flinches and tries to evade by going back, damage from this technique increases. It aims at the opponent's brain with the first and second kick and finishes the opponent off with the third.
    • Jin Hoechook: A technique that gathers it's power from firmly burying one's foot into the ground and sending the resulting force up to the knee, pelvis, waist and then to the tip of the foot which executes the Hoechook. Practical applications of this technique allow the user to manipulate strong air currents that gather around the user's leg. This air can be used to further extend the reach of a kick or even protect the user like a barrier.
    • Extreme Bottom Hoechook: A technique that compensates for the Hoechook's primarily middle-upper body targeting which made it predictable. This move is usually performed to dodge an opponents attack to the upper body by ducking towards the ground. Using this force, the user does a 180° spin sweep kick that is parallel to the ground aimed at the opponent's feet. It can be used to link to the Catching Dragon technique.
    • Front Hoechook: A variation of the Hoechook. It is unknown how this kick varies from the basic Hoechook.
  • Mori Jin Original: Kick of The Blue Dragon:A technique developed by Mori in his fight against Daewi after observing his Blue Dragon's Storm. The technique unleashes a dragon-like wind that can be controlled by the user at will and released in form of a kick.
    • Mori Jin Original: The Kick of Double Dragon: A technique developed by Mori during the national match, while fighting Hanseong Na. At first the technique works by kicking twice at different directions in a circular pattern, essentially unleashing Blue Dragon's Kick twice in a row, lifting the opponent into the air using the vicious winds of the two dragons. With increased mastery, the user can manifest the two dragons at the same time and use them in a similar manner to its parent technique.
    • Mori Hui Original: The Kick of Imoogi/Kicking Imoogi: A technique developed by Mori Hui during the consolation match, while fighting Dante. Based on the Mori Jin Original: Blue Dragon's Kick, the technique works similarly by unleashing a large Imoogi-like wind that can be controlled and unleashed as a kick. It can be used in quick succession with its parent technique. Later on, the technique evolved into an attack that manifested multiple smaller Imoogi, capable of landing hits on a victim and wrapping them in a vicious attack.
  • Mori Hui Original: Complete Gift Package: A barrage of attacks in rapid succession utilizing every technique Mori Hui is capable of performing at once.
  • Mori Jin Original: Ice Kick: A technique developed by Mori during the national match while fighting Ilpyo Park. After observing the turbulence created by the clash between their kicks, Mori created this technique to counter Ilpyo's use of fire in his attacks. It utilizes turbulence to lower the temperature of the surrounding air allowing him to perform a chilling kick.
  • Mori Jin Original Ver. Yeoui: Railgun: A technique that employs the use of Yeoui. Mori kicks Yeoui with enough force to launch it great distances, demolishing all in its path. Mori has even used this ability to target satellites in orbit.
  • Jinsu: An unknown kick.
  • Mach Punch: As the name implies, this is a set of punches that break the sound barrier. The resulting shockwaves add to the destructive potential of this attack.
  • Nigawa Kick: A technique developed by Taejin Jin, inspired by a soldier character he played in a game center. The name itself came from a story about Taejin Jin smashing his game opponent with a chair for his 'Nigawa' play. It is essentially a backflip kick. It can be followed by using the momentum from the backflip to stomp another opponent's face.
  • Recoilless: A concept derived from perfecting all the basic techniques of Renewal Taekwondo. Recoilless techniques waste no energy and achieve maximum momentum upon contact, increasing the overall output of attacks. Performing a Recoilless technique also eliminates the requirement of setup and stances, allowing the user to perform attacks without a visual cue. Such techniques were effective enough to evade the senses of a precognitive individual.
  • Spin Kick: A kick in which the user swings their leg around in a semi-circular motion, striking the opponent's upper body with the front of the foot.
  • Scissors: A type of jumping kick. The user jumps and delivers a kick diagonally like a motion of scissors closing in
  • Screw Punch: A normal punch with twisting motion of the fist, resulting in the opponent spinning around from the impact of the punch.
  • Silla: A downward kick delivered from high up and slamming the opponent's lower body. Similar to a Brazilian Kick.
  • Rapid Kick: A knee kick aimed towards the opponent's head.
  • Spinning Top Kick: With the user's back towards the opponent, the user turns and spins 180° and kicks the opponent in the face, following up with another kick with the other leg. This causes the opponent to spin around like a top.
  • Taebaek: A sideways kick that is propelled forward by the user.
  • Taejin Jin Exclusive Skill: Sonic Punch and Sonic Kick: A technique created by Taejin Jin. It takes the form of a barrage of punches and kicks delivered so fast that it breaks the sound barrier, going supersonic. It is unknown if Mori inherited this technique. However, he has gone on record to say that he has surpassed his grandfather, therefore this technique is within the realm of possibility.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
  • Acupuncture: The basis of Nabong Chim Needle Ryu. By utilizing pressure points, the user can manipulate their body or the body of their opponents to either harm or heal them. Striking the proper pressure points has various effects ranging from healing, to weakening, to causing immense pain.
  • Blood Sealing Needle: An acupuncture technique that seals the blood within a person body causing the blood within a region to accumulate and cause internal damage, even causing the afflicted body part to explode if left unchecked.
  • Blood Vessel: A technique that blocks blood flow to a specific point in a person's body, disabling said body part.
  • Blood Vessel Bongchim: A technique that neutralizes the effects of other Bongchim Nah Needle Ryu techniques.
  • Dim Mak Healing: A healing technique that uses a more combat applicable version of Uiyong Bongchim. It does significantly less healing than the latter technique, but is effective in tense situations.
  • Jeahbongchim: By hitting a pressure point in the brain Mori is able to remove the limiters that are placed on his body. This allows him to gain a massive increase in speed and power to the point that it becomes impossible to see him move. If this is not enough it can be used multiple times in succession or combined with Painlessness for an even greater power boost. However, after the effects wear off the user will feel crippling pain throughout their body, but this can be circumvented somewhat through extreme willpower and training.
  • Instant Death: A technique that aims for the heart of the opponent, causing instantaneous death.
  • Painlessness: By hitting a pressure point in the heart Mori Jin is able to remove the limiters that are placed on his body that causes pain. This can be combined with Jeahbongchim but runs the risk of causing death upon completion.
  • Uiyong Bongchim: A healing technique that is used to stop bleeding and heal - more often than not - fatal wounds. Such a technique is more potent than the nanotechnology that the nurses use during The God of High School tournament.
  • Temporary Suspended Animation: An unnamed technique that causes those afflicted by it to momentarily experience death-like symptoms. To the untrained eye, it is indistinguishable from the Instant Death technique.

  • 8th Dance: Moon Drop: A casual sideward slash with a sword.
  • 13th Dance: Cross: A move that has the user block and deflect an incoming attack and have it move past them, allowing them to counterattack with their next movement.
  • 14th Dance: Boomerang: A technique that requires the user to toss their sword at the opponent in a spinning motion.
  • 28th Dance: Cutting Cars: A wide slash that can cut further than the length of the blade.
  • 35th Dance: Marionettes: A move that uses resonance to strike an opponent from the inside of their body, forcing them to dance around like puppets. The effect of this technique can last hours on end.
  • Dropping Fallen Leaves: A technique that delivers rapid strikes to the opponent's head, abdomen and back of the knee in quick succession.
  • Wolhananmoo: A technique wherein the user rushes their opponent with a series of rapid strikes from all angles.
  • Lunar Halo: A downward slash forward.
  • Basic Upper Slash: A single handed vertical slash.
  • Wolgwang and Pumba Collaboration: Cube Cut: An attack that uses two swords to attack the enemy. It is capable of turning objects hit into cubes.
  • Youngwol: A sword technique where the user does a continuous slash horizontally and diagonally in multiple arcs.
  • Sea Fog Slash: A forward piercing technique.
  • Galaxy Split: A forward verticle slash that can extend further than the length of the blade.
  • Sleet Storm: A series of slashes done in the neutral stance.
  • Subtle Slide: A diagonal downward slash.
  • Mountain Split: A sword technique where the users rise their blade up into the air and perform a powerful downward slash while stepping foward.
  • Swordless Style:A variation of the Moonlight Sword Style that uses barehanded techniques should the user be disarmed or wish to do more varied techniques that do not require a blade.
    • Mad Warrior: Faucet: A head grab that is performed behind the opponent which is followed by a firm twist, causing severe neck injury.
    • Bare Hand Slice: An illusionary technique that allows the user to use their bare hand as a sword and slice opponents.
    • Tong Bei Quan: An attack that sends a pulse of energy into the opponent through a strike of the user's bare palm.
    • Danji-Shingong: A finger flicking technique that acts as a ranged attack, allowing the user to fire gusts of air like bullets.
    • Unrivaled Technique: Final: A strong punch that sends off a large gust of wind that can obliterate anything before the user.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
  • 8th Verse: Beggar's Song: Using a staff the user swings their staff around them like a sphere deflecting all incoming attacks and nearby enemies.
  • 13th Verse: Serpent: A technique that allows the user to bend their staff flexibly, allowing them to weave through obstacles to reach their target.
  • 17th Verse: Ryuck Geun: A technique that requires the user to squeeze all the muscles in their body before performing a forward slash, releasing all the stored up energy in a single powerful attack.
  • 19th Verse: Dog Seller: A technique that has the user spin their staff rapidly and then then halt said spin with their hands. The resulting effect causes air to be sucked in and then unleashed, creating a whirlwind that destroys anything between the user and his opponent.
  • 27th Verse: Dicing: A technique that slices a target into smaller pieces.
  • 46th Stance: Ground Support: A technique used specifically to hold up enclosed spaces such as caves or fallen debris. Using three staffs (Two in their hands, one in their mouth), the user forms a sort of triangular shape that keeps the surrounding area supported. However, this technique causes the user to become immobile.
  • Gaksu-Golyi: A technique reminiscent of the Re-Taekwondo technique, Homi-Geolyi. It utilizes a staff to redirect an oncoming attack away from the user, allowing them a window to counterattack.
  • The Ultimate: A forward thrust technique with a staff.
  • Pumba Zero Stance: Panhandler: The ultimate Hallyang Style technique. A devastating diagonal slash that can tear through the very earth before the user, causing a deep chasm to be formed.

  • Bo-Bup (Way of Walking): A technique that allows for high-speed movement in any direction, allowing the user to seemingly teleport and attack from above, below, the side, or even behind with ease.
  • Balgyeong: A technique that sends pulse of energy/Ki to damage the opponent. First the user positions their hand on their target and unleashes an energy blast. When used, a print of the user's hand briefly forms on the point of contact, sending them flying away.
  • Gaksu: A technique that allows one to read muscle movement through bodily contact. This allows one to predict their opponent's next attack and consider it ahead of time.
  • Dureumchigi: A technique performed by kicking the opponent's face with the user's knee.
  • Fishing Hook: A type of joint-lock technique. The user catches the opponent's attacking leg, jumps, and wraps their legs around the opponent's attacking leg, ending in a form of a leg-lock.
  • Throwing Cheonji: A downwards kick performed using one's heel. Unlike the other downward kicks, this is performed with a bent knee possibly for a closer ranged attack.
  • Instep Upward Kick: A downward kick that is aimed towards the opponent's shoulder.
  • Leg Bracket + Knee Kick: A technique wherein the user hooks their leg behind the opponent's knee while simultaneously launching their other leg to knee the opponent in the face. The resulting motion forces the opponent onto the ground, where they are left open to a subsequent attack.
  • Nakyoung: A combo of three kicks that target the head, abdomen, and leg in quick succession, similar to the Three Stage Hoechook.
  • Nirvana: A full body technique performed by slamming one's knee into the head of the opponent whilst falling, causing a devastating blow.
  • Inner Chagi: A forwards sole kick that aims for the opponent's face, pushing them away.
  • Oealjeogi: A back kick that negates an opponent's low sweeping kicks by simultaneously dodging said kick and knocking them off balance with a heel to the face.
  • Spinning Kick and Out-Leg-Bracketa: A technique wherein the user fakes a roundhouse kick and uses it to hold the opponent's neck with their knee joint. The user then uses the momentum from a roundhouse kick to flip the opponent around and pin them on the ground with one leg.
  • Ssam-Su Secret Arts: Inferno Kick:A technique that uses the pressured air from simultaneous attacks as fuel for ignition when a high velocity kick is performed. The result is a pillar of flame that can be manipulated through strong kicks.
    • Inferno Kick Stage Two: Twin Oblate Spheroid: A technique that uses the first Inferno Kick as a primer to launch a second Inferno Kick. Both pillars of flame surround the opponent, trapping them.
    • Inferno Kick Stage Three: Ssam-Su Taekkyeon Ultimate Secret Arts: Inferno Nirvana Kick: The final stage of the Inferno Kick. The user raises their leg to create a pillar of flame and the drops their leg, sending it forward as a blade of fire.
  • Jin Yeokchook: The reverse of the Jin Hoechook. Unlike the powerful front kick of its predecessor, this technique is a back kick used to overcome the limited number of attacking points the Jin Hoechook is capable of accessing.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
  • Axe Kick: A technique that is performed by flipping over and delivering a powerful downward kick to the opponents shoulders.
  • Jingak Cheonbongchoo: A technique that uses a shockwave to disrupt the opponent's balance. It is used by by slamming the user's foot on the ground.
  • Dragon Staff Strike: A high-powered punch delivered to the opponent's stomach. The user propels themselves at the target with Rabbit's Step, increasing their momentum, and then strikes the target in the chest with a straight-armed open-bodied punch to the chest.
  • The Ultimate Power of Tai Chi Chuan Extreme Arts: Ying-Yang Five Elements Strike: A technique that delivers a powerful shockwave to the opponent. It is performed by controlling one's emotions and energies within themself, accumulating them and then delivering them by touch.
  • Front Kick: Similar to the Taekwondo variant, this technique is a kick performed facing forwards. However, this technique differs as it lacks power and relies on the resulting wind turbulence to harm the opponent.
  • Rabbit's Step: A technique similar to Bo-Bup, wherein the user takes a step forward at great speeds, moving faster than the opponent can react.
  • Steel Demon's Mountain: A technique that utilises centripetal force via twisting the user's body around and hitting the opponent with their shoulder, knocking the target away a significant distance.
  • Rapid Fire: Ten Thousand Horse Strikes: A technique that is wound up by moving one's arms in a circle around them and bringing them together in closed fists, then rapidly striking their opponent with a barrage of aggressive strikes to the face.
  • Cheongeunchoo: A technique wherein the user directly increases their weight through breathing, allowing them to achieve greater force behind their attacks, or weigh themselves down upon their opponent.
  • Fading Kick: A technique similar to the flare in break dancing, the user first rushes their opponent then ducks and holds themselves on their hands while extending their legs out and tripping the opponent.
  • Gray Ascension: A technique where the user propels themself upwards by rolling back onto their hands and pushing themselves forward in order to deliver a kick that launches the opponent into the air.
  • Gray Dragon's Hammer: A technique where the user does a flying sidekick downward onto the opponent, spinning like a drill the entire time. The force generated from this technique makes the opponent continue driving forward, digging through the ground, and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
  • Heavenly Tiger Strike: An airborne technique where the user, after sending the opponent into the air, crouches like a cat and jumps at the opponent, launching multiple punches at their face.
  • Whoahyorakgeyok Ultimate Secret Arts: Monkey Claw: A technique that uses energy blades to deal close or long range damage. First the user does a tiger claw-like swipe to emit the energy blades from the user's nails, creating five giant blades that can cut stone. It can be used in quick succession.
  • Hyperspeed: A technique that allows the user to move at high speed in a straight line, in addition to increasing the power of the user's following technique via massively increased momentum.
  • Left Flamingo Stance:A stance that allows the user to access the defensive and counter capabilities of ITF Taekwondo.
    • Hoechook: The same technique as its Renewal variant. However, ITF Taekwondo users consider this a wasteful technique and do not use it often.
    • Jakdu: A technique similar to the Scissors technique, which it is capable of nullifying.
    • Jakdu-Geolyi: A follow up technique to the Jakdu. After performing the latter, the user hooks their leg on the opponent's and pushes down, lowering their guard and allowing the user to chain into another attack similar to Homi-Geolyi.
  • Right Flamingo Stance:A stance that allows the user to access the offensive capabilities of ITF Taekwondo.
    • Baekdu: The 'original' version of the Baekdu technique. This technique is used to entice the opponent into guarding, enabling the user to grab onto the head of the opponent and using it as leverage to deliver more, unguardable kicks and knee attacks. The opponent's guard can also be nullified with Homi-Geolyi which leads to even more finishing options.
    • Cutting the Front: The 'original' version of the Front Kick technique. The user digs their foot into the ground and delivers a devastating front kick that sends shockwaves that can cut through solid rock.
    • Three Stage Kick: The 'original' version of the Three Stage Hoechook. Using the right flamingo stance, the user delivers three kicks in a row starting from either the left or right side of the opponent's head, followed by a kick in the opposite direction, and then finally a kick to the back of the head. If the victim flinches and tries to evade by going backwards, the damage they take increases. The technique's purpose it to shake the opponent's brain with the first and second kick and finish the opponent off with the third.
    • Kicking Meteors: A devastating technique that takes the form of a powerful front kick.
    • Triple Strike: An unknown kicking technique.