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Quicksilver vs Yuki Nagato vs DM de Cáncer

Darth Freezer

16 Abr 2023





- Yuki no tiene los poderes de Haruhi
- DM del Clásico con su armadura dorada
- Pietro esta en su 100%
- Pelean en China sin pre time
- Están a full


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Que dice esa imagen en japones?
The first problem that arose during the project was to select which material would be used to create the Cloths. Even with the understanding that the Cloths were a kind of armor designed to protect the bodies of the Saints, there lacked a material capable of withstanding the attacks of these warriors, whose immense destructive power resided in the destruction of the atoms. But as all matter is made of atoms themselves, such a material could not exist. With the exception of one thing: They had to study a real Cloth.

Dr. Asamori then began working on the Research Center to study the Sagittarius Gold Cloth which Mitsumasa Kido had brought back from Greece. In other words, he attempted to create an imitation of the Gold Cloth. He pushes his research studies to the molecular level, then to the atomic level, until he reached the study of the elementary particles and even that of quarks themselves, but he could not understand why the Cloths had this mysterious capability to endure this incredible power of atomic destruction (Which would then suggest the existence of something on a level deeper than that of quarks). After realizing that he could never replicate a true Gold Cloth, Dr. Asamori decided to redirect his research towards a different approach. And that would be to create Mechanical Cloths which focused the power of all modern scientific knowledge.
The attacks of the Saints were capable of destroying their target on an atomic level, therefore there was nothing to worry about in the first place even if they never reached the opponent. Dr. Asamori then started with the theoretical concept that the Cloths were capable of distorting space and immediately began his experiments. And in that age, the only known thing capable of distorting space itself was the force exerted by the gravitational wave of a Black Hole. But to create an artificial Black Hole and incorporate it into the Cloths' framework was far too much work for just one man. And so Dr. Asamori left it to the Graad Foundation to establish collaborations with NASA, the Pentagon and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Theoretical knowledge regarding the creation of an Artificial Black Hole was something that was known since Einstein's time. It would be necessary to place 20 atomic bombs on an asteroid 10 kilometers in length and have them all detonate simultaneously so that the potency of their explosion would compress the asteroid's whole body. When compressed to a size smaller than that of an atom, it would be transformed into a micro-Black Hole. Dr. Asamori then thought it would be best to confine it within a Magnetic Field. And after countless failed attempts he was finally able to create and contain three Black Holes. Equipped with these micro-Black Holes, the Steel Cloths acquired a perfect defensive capability and a nearly unlimited energy source.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Users of the 7th sense can cause the destruction of matter at the level below Quarks.

Darth Freezer

16 Abr 2023
Bueno, Aldebaran como dorado se vio mejor que DM, el cual no en vano es considerado por el fandom como el dorado mas débil de su generación. Yuki aparte de eliminar a Asakura, tambien pudo robar los poderes de Haruhi, y además puede superar por poco la velocidad de la luz. Lo malo de ella es que su resistencia física es muy baja, dejo mucho que desear en ese aspecto.

Solo con eso yo diría que ella tiene nivel dorado bajo como mínimo, el mismo de DM.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Bueno, Aldebaran como dorado se vio mejor que DM, el cual no en vano es considerado por el fandom como el dorado mas débil de su generación. Yuki aparte de eliminar a Asakura, tambien pudo robar los poderes de Haruhi, y además puede superar por poco la velocidad de la luz. Lo malo de ella es que su resistencia física es muy baja, dejo mucho que desear en ese aspecto.

Solo con eso yo diría que ella tiene nivel dorado bajo como mínimo, el mismo de DM.
Maybe Yuki has a chance with DM Base.
30 Oct 2023
The first problem that arose during the project was to select which material would be used to create the Cloths. Even with the understanding that the Cloths were a kind of armor designed to protect the bodies of the Saints, there lacked a material capable of withstanding the attacks of these warriors, whose immense destructive power resided in the destruction of the atoms. But as all matter is made of atoms themselves, such a material could not exist. With the exception of one thing: They had to study a real Cloth.

Dr. Asamori then began working on the Research Center to study the Sagittarius Gold Cloth which Mitsumasa Kido had brought back from Greece. In other words, he attempted to create an imitation of the Gold Cloth. He pushes his research studies to the molecular level, then to the atomic level, until he reached the study of the elementary particles and even that of quarks themselves, but he could not understand why the Cloths had this mysterious capability to endure this incredible power of atomic destruction (Which would then suggest the existence of something on a level deeper than that of quarks). After realizing that he could never replicate a true Gold Cloth, Dr. Asamori decided to redirect his research towards a different approach. And that would be to create Mechanical Cloths which focused the power of all modern scientific knowledge.
The attacks of the Saints were capable of destroying their target on an atomic level, therefore there was nothing to worry about in the first place even if they never reached the opponent. Dr. Asamori then started with the theoretical concept that the Cloths were capable of distorting space and immediately began his experiments. And in that age, the only known thing capable of distorting space itself was the force exerted by the gravitational wave of a Black Hole. But to create an artificial Black Hole and incorporate it into the Cloths' framework was far too much work for just one man. And so Dr. Asamori left it to the Graad Foundation to establish collaborations with NASA, the Pentagon and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Theoretical knowledge regarding the creation of an Artificial Black Hole was something that was known since Einstein's time. It would be necessary to place 20 atomic bombs on an asteroid 10 kilometers in length and have them all detonate simultaneously so that the potency of their explosion would compress the asteroid's whole body. When compressed to a size smaller than that of an atom, it would be transformed into a micro-Black Hole. Dr. Asamori then thought it would be best to confine it within a Magnetic Field. And after countless failed attempts he was finally able to create and contain three Black Holes. Equipped with these micro-Black Holes, the Steel Cloths acquired a perfect defensive capability and a nearly unlimited energy source.
Where did you find that information? I've never seen that before 🤔


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
I meant who did it discover that information.




All of this is further evidence of what is discussed above.
Igual esa información solo seria valida para el anime original, y no los mangas de Kuru, por ser los Santos de Acero creaciones de Toei.
Causing damage to a Gold Cloth requires a power that can break apart matter that exist below Quarks, and Gold Saints have fought each other, and those equal or above them causing damage to their Gold Cloths or the Gold Cloth Armor equivalent.

Darth Freezer

16 Abr 2023
Hablando de Pietro, si es capaz de despegarse del tiempo mismo con su velocidad, eso no lo haria inmune al time stop de Yuki mientras este en movimiento, y además supera sus barreras mentales?

Aunque creo que un Pietro sin barreras mentales desnivelaría mucho el versus, por lo que con esas barreras no seria un rival invencible para Yuki y DM.


Maestro Pokémon
11 Dic 2021
Hablando de Pietro, si es capaz de despegarse del tiempo mismo con su velocidad, eso no lo haria inmune al time stop de Yuki mientras este en movimiento, y además supera sus barreras mentales?

Aunque creo que un Pietro sin barreras mentales desnivelaría mucho el versus, por lo que con esas barreras no seria un rival invencible para Yuki y DM.

I know you have the answer to this.