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Classification of CNC Machine & System – What are the Types of CNC Machines

30 Ago 2021
CNC machining is a manufacturing process that programmed software to direct the motions, the classification of CNC machine indicates the types of the equipment and the works they can do. How many types of CNC machines are there? The following content will introduce each kind of CNC machine tool, you can find the difference between them.

Classification of CNC Machine - What are the Types of CNC Machines


1. 功能(部分)


- CNC 铣床:用于创建形状、槽、孔、槽口、凹槽、凹槽和特殊面,并执行制造 CNC 铣削零件的加工过程,铣削机上的旋转刀具从静止工件上去除材料。

- CNC车床:用于制造圆柱形物体,并执行生产CNC车削零件的过程,当材料块在主轴上快速车削时,切削工具将对工件进行成形。

- 数控钻床:用于在工件上钻孔,刀具可以快速准确地定位钻孔位置,精密的钻床还可以进行铰孔、扩孔和攻丝孔。

- CNC 等离子切割机:一台带有等离子炬的机器,用于切割金属,包括通过加速的热等离子射流切割导电材料。

- CNC磨床:机器使用旋转轮将材料研磨或磨碎成所需的形状,比铣床和车床更容易编程。

2. 运动类型


- 点对点系统:材料和刀具被放置在某些固定的相对位置,在该位置上它们保持直到刀具完成加工并退回,这种类型的设备包括钻孔机、镗床和攻丝机。

– Contouring systems: the machine tool cuts the material following a contour of a part, so it works in a continuous path, this type equipment including lathes, mills and routing machines.

3. Number of Axis

When classified by the number of axis, CNC machines can generally be divided into five groups: 2-axis machines, 2.5-axis machines, 3-axis machines, 4-axis machines and 5-axis machines.

– 2-axis CNC machines: a machines gives access to only two axis, like the lathe machines, the tool moves in 2 directions, like X and Z.

– 2.5-axis CNC machines: is also a 3-axis system but the movement is not in three-dimensional, the X and Y-axis moved to the position first and then the third axis starts to work, such as the drilling and tapping machines.

– 3-axis CNC machines: three axes (X, Y and Z) move simultaneously in three- dimensional, it’s the most widely used and versatile machine that can achieve high accuracy and precision, can be used for automatic/interactive operation, milling slots, drilling holes, and cutting sharp edges.

– 4-axis CNC machines: the 3-axis machine with one more rotation on A-axis or B-axis, the common example is a vertical machine or horizontal machine. In the case of 4-axis machining, milling is performed on the additional axis, while the operation on the X, Y and Z is the same as the 3-axis system, and the rotation on the A or B axis is around the X-axis.

– 5-axis CNC machines: the 3-axis machine with extra rotation along two directions (Y and Z) on A-axis and B-axis, the rotations are respectively given by the bed and spindle movement (pivot point). 5-axis machines are advanced CNC machines and its multidimensional rotation and tool movement allows the creation of precise and intricate parts due to the improved access to undercuts and deep pockets, unparalleled finish and speed, often used for high-level applications, like aerospace parts, artificial bones, titanium pieces, oil and gas machine parts, military products and more.

4. Control loop

The classification of CNC machines according to the control loop can get the types: open loop system and closed loop system.

- 开环数控机床是指控制器系统和电机之间的通信是一种方式的系统。开环系统的过程很简单,CNC 软件根据用户的目的使用必要的步进和方向信号创建信息,计算机将此信息传递给控制器,然后控制器为电机供电,没有反馈。开环数控机床使用步进电机。

- 闭环数控机床有一个反馈系统来监控电机的输出,还能够纠正位置、速度和加速度的错误。反馈可反馈给CNC控制器或计算机,前者较为常见,反馈反馈给信号发生器或计算机的系统通常存在于高端机器中。